National Black Farmers Association Calls on Senate to Pass the Emergency Relief Act for Farmers of Color in H.R. 1319, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

March 4, 2021- For Immediate Release

WASHINGTON, DC -- Virginia farmer John W. Boyd, Jr., the founder and president of the National Black Farmers Association, continues his decades-long, fight to provide relief for Black, Native American, Hispanic and other minority farmers. Boyd calls on the U.S. Senate to pass H.R. 1319, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, to provide debt relief to Black farmers and other farmers of color.

"We want the Senate to act today," said Boyd this morning as he prepared a Call to Action. "No more political games, no more delays. Black, Native American, Hispanic and other farmers of colors were struggling before the pandemic. dying without ever having their cases resolved. That's what this is about, justice. Giving farmers the opportunity to have their claims of discrimination by the USDA determined on their merits. The time to act is now.”

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The National Black Farmer Association (NBFA) strongly supports efforts to provide debt relief to Black farmers and other farmers of color in H.R. 1319, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The NBFA, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, with over 116,000 members provides national advocacy, outreach and direct technical assistance to historically underserved minorities, veterans, youth, disabled and limited resource farmers and ranchers. Since its inception, NBFA has been at the forefront of protecting, providing and promoting access to USDA programs and services. We are extremely concerned about our continued role and responsibilities in developing a sustainable economy as we strive to provide a sustainable food system for our families, communities and the nation while addressing global and environmental challenges.

The long history of discrimination against Black farmers and other farmers of color is well documented. For decades, our government delayed or denied to farmers of color the same subsidies, loans, and other benefits provided to white farmers. More than 20 government reports, issued between 1965 and 2019, confirmed that USDA systematically failed to provide the same financial support to Black farmers and other farmers of color.

This history is not in dispute, and the legacy of this discrimination is reflected in ongoing disparities in these government programs and must be remedied.

Although some efforts have been made to address this long legacy of public discrimination that I and other NBFA members personally experienced, these efforts have not been sufficient to right these historic wrongs or to prevent the decline of Black farmers.

Many farmers of color are struggling to survive. By providing debt relief to Black farmers and other farmers of color, H.R. 1319 would not only help alleviate the risk of foreclosure but would expand access to the public and private credit Black farmers and other farmers of color need to succeed.

Thank you for your support to include debt relief in H.R. 1319.

John W. Boyd,Jr., Founder and President

For More Information:


Boyd Applauds Senate on Passage of American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Bill with Emergency Relief for Farmers of Color


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