Scott Statement on the U.S. District Court Court's Approval of the Settlement of the Black Farmers Lawsuit

Bobby Scott

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Robert C. "Bobby" Scott issued the following statement on today's approval by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia of the settlement between the Department of Agriculture (USDA) and plaintiffs in the Pigford II class action lawsuit:

"This is an important final step in a long road to justice for the thousands of Black farmers that were discriminated against by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. I want to commend John Boyd, President of the National Black Farmers Association, for his tenacity in advocating for justice for these farmers and bringing their plight to my attention and the attention of my colleagues in the Congressional Black Caucus. Without the support of the CBC leading the way in calling for hearings, introducing and fighting for the passage of legislation to correct this injustice, this long overdue settlement would not have been possible. The work of Secretary Vilsack and Attorney General Holder in reaching this settlement and finally having it approved by a federal judge should also be recognized."


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