Show Support for Bill 1989

Dear Farmer,

The National Black Farmers Association needs your help to ensure passage of Senate Bill 1989 The Black Farmers Late Claim Bill. The sponsors of the bill are Senators Grassley, Obama, Kennedy, and Biden The Senate is expected to vote on the Farm bill in early September. It is very important to voice your support for the bill. Nearly 75,000 Black Farmers await the passage of Senate bill 1989.

Please call your senators and ask them to support the Black Farmers bill #1989 now.

  1. Dial (202) 224-3121 to reach the Capitol switchboard and ask to be connected to your senator's office (you'll have to call twice to reach both your senators.)

  2. Use the talking points below to let the staffer know you support Senate bill 1989.

  3. Then write Dr Boyd to let the NBFA know you have officially contacted your Senator in support of the bill

Talking points for your calls:

  • Please support H.R. 1989 the Black Farmers bill that allows the Black Farmers to have their Discrimination late claim case heard based on its merit

  • I am a member of the National Black Farmers Association and I urge you to vote yes for Senate bill 1989

  • As many as 75,000 Black Farmers have filed late claims and have been waiting for Justice since the 1999 Black Farmers Settlement, We deserve justice

  • The House recently passed a similar bill for Black Farmers that was included in the Farm Bill

The Black Farmers have been overlooked and under recognized for their contribution to this country being slaves sharecroppers and currently being denied USDA loans and subsidies. We have lost millions of acres of land due to discrimination, and facing extinction its time for congress to act. Please forward this message to your friends, family, and co-workers and ask them to join you in calling before it's too late.

The House has passed the black farmers bill. Now it's the Senate's turn. Call your senators today and urge them to support this important bill. The National Black Farmers Association was founded in 1995 to eradicate discrimination and to save Black Farmers. Please join the NBFA and its 84,000 members to pass Senate Bill 1989

Thank you again for your commitment in saving the Black Farmer.

Call Your Senators Today!


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