Sunday Breakfast Menu: Feb. 21


A new offensive in southern Afghanistan and the captures of several Taliban operatives may set off a debate on the Sunday talk shows about whether the United States is winning the war in Afghanistan.

The nation’s governors, in town for the weekend, fan out on the airwaves to discuss the first anniversary of the $862 billion stimulus package, the economy and Washington.

For the administration, General David Petraeus, who oversees the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, is on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

General Colin Powell, who has served as the Secretary of State and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

Gov. Tim Pawlenty, the Minnesotan often mentioned as a 2012 Republican presidential contender, is on the second half of “Meet the Press.” Representatives Chris van Hollen of Maryland, the chairman of the House Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and Mike Pence of Indiana, the chairman of the House Republican Conference, take part in the show’s roundtable.

Governors Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican of California, and Ed Rendell, Democrat of Pennsylvania, are both on ABC’s “This Week.”

Senator Evan Bayh, Democrat of Indiana, who announced this week that he will retire at the end of his term, appears on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Governors Jim Douglas, Republican of Vermont, and Deval Patrick, Democrat of Massachusetts, are also on that show.

Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican minority leader, is on “Fox News Sunday,” along with Governors Jennifer Granholm, Democrat of Michigan, and Haley Barbour, Republican of Mississippi.

Alan Simpson, the former Republican Senator from Wyoming who now co-chairs President Obama’s deficit committee, is on Bloomberg’s “Political Capital,” followed by Erskine Bowles, the former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton who is the other co-chairman.

Representative Tom Price, a Georgia Republican who is also an orthopedist, weighs in on C-Span’s “Newsmakers” about the health care debate.

Mr. Price is also on TVOne’s “Washington Watch” with Representative Elijah Cummings, Democrat of Maryland, and John Boyd Jr., president of the National Black Farmers Association. They’ll discuss the Obama administration’s $1.25 billion dollar settlement with black farmers.


News Talk Show Schedule for Feb 21, 2010


US Approves Settlement for Black Farmers