John Boyd John Boyd

The Egg Recall Was a Disaster Waiting to Happen

If my experience is any guide, the people who are least surprised to hear of the appalling conditions that led to the egg recall that began on August 13 were my fellow small and mid-sized farmers. Many of us have watched with alarm the changes in the poultry industry over the past several decades and warned of its likely consequences.

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John Boyd John Boyd

Black Farmers Justice Depends Upon 100% Senate Support

John W. Boyd, Jr. released the following statement in advance of the anticipated vote Monday night on a unanimous consent measure to be introduced by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in an effort to add the Black farmers’ settlement funding to the small business bill still under consideration in the Senate.

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John Boyd John Boyd

Black Farmers To Lawmakers: Approve Settlement Funds

Black farmers won a discrimination lawsuit against the Department of Agriculture. But they are still waiting to be paid. President Obama announced the 1.25 BILLION dollar settlement in February, but although it has passed the House, it is now stuck in the Senate. Guest host Rebecca Roberts speaks with John Boyd, the President of the National Black Farmers Association, and Willie Adams, a farmer from Georgia, about the bill and why it is being held up.

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John Boyd John Boyd

Black Farmers Await Discrimination Settlement

Willie Adams' 60-acre Georgia farm has been in his family since 1938. He wants to hold onto its red clay and green pastures for generations to come. The fight to keep it is increasingly stressful.

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John Boyd John Boyd

Obama Calls Sherrod to Express ‘Regret’ Over Ouster From USDA

President Barack Obama spoke with ousted U.S. Department of Agriculture official Shirley Sherrod today to express his “regret” over her forced resignation, according to a White House statement. Obama told her Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is sincere in his effort to rid the agency of racial discrimination.

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John Boyd John Boyd

NBFA Statement On House Passage of Black Farmers Settlement Funds

John W. Boyd, Jr., founder and president of the National Black Farmers Association, released the following statement today after the U.S. House of Representatives approved funding - as part of a larger - for the historic settlement to resolve decades of discrimination against black farmers by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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John Boyd John Boyd

Bias Payments Come Too Late For Some Farmers

On a recent Sunday in rural Macon, N.C., John W. Boyd Jr., the president of the National Black Farmers Association, went to his fourth funeral in a week. Mr. Boyd has been burying his group’s members with bitter frequency, attending two or three funerals most weeks. Each death makes him feel as if he is running out of time.

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