Boyd Calls Halt to Sale on Black Farmer


NBFA President John Boyd
(804) 694-8528

John Boyd President of the Nations black farmers to rally in Halifax, NC in support of black farm family foreclosure. Sale to take place at the Halifax county superior court Halifax, NC.

Despite pending legislation in congress and the largest settlement in US history for blacks "the black farmer settlement" Black farmers continue to lose land due to discrimination.

HALIFAX, NC - The National Black Farmers Association, representing 94,000 members nationwide, has called for a halt of the sale. The sale will be held at Halifax County Superior Court 357 Ferrel lane Halifax NC at 12 noon. A 11:30 PM press conference will be held by Dr. Boyd and members of the Roland G. Hardy family on site at the Halifax Court House.

Roland G. Hardy was a third generation farmer who raised corn cotton peanuts cucumbers and tobacco. Mr. Hardy farmed over 2,500 acres in Halifax County, NC. East Carolina Farm Credit has moved forward with the foreclosure sale of 145 acres of prime farm land.

"Every acre lost by the black farmers is a lost of our heritage," said John Boyd, president of the National Black Farmers Association. Black farmers at the turn on the century owned 20 million acres, today black farmers own 3 million acres.

The number of black farmers across the nation has been dwindling. At the turn of the century there are more than a million black farmers in America, now there are jut over 29,000 black-owned identified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Systemic discrimination again the black farmers has had a devastating effect that has contributed to this rapid decline. The National Black Farmers Association believes every black farmer forced from their property has a devastating effect on this small endangered group.

Dr. Boyd is the founder and President of the National Black Farmers Association. Dr. Boyd has been voted 100 most influential black Americans by Ebony magazine and has led the black farmer movement, as well spearheaded the black farmer settlement.


John Boyd Statement on the Farm Bill


Letter of Support From Senator Barack Obama