John Boyd John Boyd

For Trayvon Martin, Justice Finally Shows Up

Forty-four days late, justice finally showed up for Trayvon Martin and his family. Florida Special Prosecutor Angela B. Corey announced yesterday that she will charge George Zimmerman with second-degree murder for the shooting death of the unarmed teenager on February 26 in Sanford, Florida.

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John Boyd John Boyd

Voter Suppression: A Real and Enduring American Issue

This week marks the 47th anniversary of "Bloody Sunday," the violent assault by Alabama police and state troopers on peaceful Civil Rights marchers seeking voting rights for black Americans. Yet, even as that landmark event in Selma is recalled in a symbolic repeat of the march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, a national voter suppression campaign is creeping across the land, through actions by some state legislatures.

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John Boyd John Boyd

Black Farmer Wrests Billion-Dollar Settlement From U.S.

When President Barack Obama signed a $1.25-billion bill that would fund a settlement between the Agriculture Department and Black farmers who were discriminated against in December of 2010, Boyd knew the battle had reached an important milestone but was not over.

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John Boyd John Boyd

Another Tongue-Tied Moment Or Just Plain Old Racism?

Some of the Republicans vying for their party's presidential nomination have contracted a disease that can best be called "black tongue disease." Whether they are sending subtle or coded messages to white voters, or simply displaying commonplace racist attitudes, these candidates clearly appear afflicted with the age-old American condition of racism. The pattern is not hard to see.

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John Boyd John Boyd

NBFA President Visits Historic Lucy Middle School

A 30-year fight against discrimination culminated with a billion dollar settlement between the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the nation's black farmers. Friday, a central figure in that struggle urged Roanoke students to "never give up."

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John Boyd John Boyd

Black Famers Finally Getting Paid

The U.S. District Court approved a settlement in the ongoing saga between Black farmers and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) providing an additional $1.2 billion for thousands of plaintiffs in a class-action lawsuit.

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John Boyd John Boyd

John Boyd: Rural America Must Play A Part In Economic Recovery

President Obama recently challenged members of the Congressional Black Caucus to stop crying and to remove their bedroom slippers. "We have work to do," he said. Obama is right. It is past time to take action to put Americans back to work. And an economic recovery plan must include rural America.

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John Boyd John Boyd

Bachmann And The Black Farmers

Is presidential candidate Michele Bachmann’s (R-MN) attack on the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) settlement with African American farmers racist? Bachmann is coming under increasing fire for characterizing a settlement to black farmers who were discriminated against as mass “fraud.”

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John Boyd John Boyd

Bachmann Criticizes Black Farmer Settlement

Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann pointed to one program in particular Monday when talking about wasteful government spending: a multibillion dollar settlement paid to black farmers, who claim the federal government discriminated against them for decades in awarding loans and other aid.

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